22-06-12 Website Open
23-06-12 指定花式組(Sport) 公佈
06-07-12 正式開始接受報名
08-08-12 參加者名單公佈
10-08-12 初賽出場次序公佈


Past Events
2011 HKYC
2010 HKYC
2009 HKYC
2008 HKYC
2007 HKYC
2006 HKYC
2005 HKYC
2004 HKYC



The 2012 Hong Kong Yo-Yo Contest will be held on August 18th, 19th - 2012 at

"PopCorn" Shopping Mall . This is the contest that recognized by the World Yo-yo

Contest officially in Hong Kong. It is also a competition which represents the dynamic

yo-yo scene of Hong Kong Players. The 2012 Hong Kong Yo-Yo Contest will

have Sport, One-Hand String(1A), Two-Hand(2A), Two-Hand Strings(3A),

Off-String(4A), Counterweight(5A) and Combined(CB) Division

2012全港搖搖公開大賽鐵定於本年8月18及19日連續兩日假香港將軍澳PopCorn 舉行。
本比賽是由香港搖搖技術會主辦,與及得到世界搖搖大賽(World Yo Yo Contest)

而各組冠軍得主將會以種子身份代表香港參加世界搖搖大賽(World Yo Yo Contest)

及亞太區搖搖大賽(Asia Pacific Yo Yo Championship),有技術的你又想一展身手,


指定花式組 - Sport Division

自由花式1A單手組 - Single A (One Handed String Trick Division)

自由花式2A雙手組 - Double A (Two-Hand Looping Division)

自由花式3A雙手繩上組 - Triple A (Two-Hand String Trick Division)

自由花式4A離繩組 - Off-String Division

自由花式5A離手組 - Counter-Weight Division

自由花式CB全能組 - Combined Division(1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A)





主辦Organized by:
場地贊助Venue sponsor
飲品贊助Drink Sponsor:
All rights reserved, copyright by Hong Kong Yo Yo Contest 2012