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我們是一班搖搖運動愛好者,所以在一九九八年八月十四日正式成立一個香港政府注冊認可的搖搖會,命名為香港搖搖技術會HONG KONG YO YO FAN CLUB,成立此會目的是希望將香港一班玩搖搖和收藏搖搖的愛好者可以集合 一起來亙相交流技術和心得,並且教導一些初學者正確玩法和保養;從而將搖搖運動在香港得以延續下去;近年來香港已有多 間玩具公司推出許多搖搖產品,已再一次帶出了搖搖熱潮,更有不少人 玩得很出色,為了讓大家有發揮才華的機會、能夠一展身手,在未來的日子,我們會舉辦多項大小類形的比賽及課程,藉以改善大家的技術、 提高本地搖搖技術而達到世界級水平,現在本會會員已超過一千人;而另一方面,我們亦積極參與各式各樣公益活動,使我們在推廣之餘亦能回饋社會,對杜會作出貢獻


Society Profile

We, a group of great fans of yoyo, established a registered yoyo fan club in Hong Kong on 14 August, 1998.The club, named Hong Kong Yo Yo Fan Club (HKYYFC), aims to be a rendezvous for yoyo players and collectors in Hong Kong, fostering the exchange of ideas between them, as well as to train beginners. All these lead to our ultimate good: the continuation of yoyo as a classic sport in Hong Kong. This year many companies introduced new lines of yoyo products to the market and successfully set a new market trend. Many players now have already mastered this sport. For all these reasons, we are going to hold various for players to demonstrate theirskills, as well as courses for further improvement, until we reach international standard. On the other hand, wewould also promote and take part in different charitable events of our community



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